tisdag 8 december 2009

Assignment 3

The Drama of Russian Political Histori.

Why I choose this book?

I come from Ukraine. During all history the Ukrainian people were struggling and suffering from cruel irrational Russian political influence[1]. I am not negative to Russian people; vice versa I have a very close friend in Sweden from Russia. Sometimes we are speaking about the situation in our countries. In Russia the life was always difficult for people: political press and prohibition are the reality of their daily life. Why the life conditions are difficult and sometimes terrible in such rich country as Russia? Why people in Russian prefer the strong despotic and antihuman leader instead of rational consequent one with high moral values? The book “Drama of Russian Political History” is giving a scientific explanation about the basic values of Russian people as a nation.

Alexander V. Obolonsky, the author of this book, is analyzing Russian history from Kievan Rus[2] times, collapse of the Soviet Union and Vladimir Putin time. The book was published in 2003 in USA in English language. A. Obolonsky holds a law degree and doctorate in law and politics. He is working since 1972 in the Institute of Russian Academy of Science.

According to Ph.D Obolonsky the biggest problem is hidden in system-centred mentality, vs person-centred way of thinking. I absolutely agree with the author. In Russia individualism is denied, the idea of personality is neglected, the most important are the interest of society, but society is represented of special class, political party or even the group of people in power who “know better the needs of society”, said Mr. Obolonsky sarcastically. Under slogan “for the best of society” century after century is Russia steered by despotic leader. I can add that Russian people as nationality are very conservative in their “system-centred mentality”, that’s why I can explain the nostalgia about Soviet time and before the nostalgia about Russia as a Kingdom.

Another interesting fact is the preference of Russian people the dictator style of leading instead of human. Some of dictators in Russia were Peter I or Peter the Great and Stalin. I want to mention Putin. Because he decided to hide the history about the submarine Kursk and let the sailors to die because military secrets of the country are prioritise instead of the life of people. Obolonsky is writing that gentle leader in Russia is considered as enemy. As example Obolonsky take the Muscovite Tsar Dmitry, who had a significant feature of individual oriented leader: “addressed people simply and courteously…he avoided cruelty…personally trained the soldiers”. Do you know what happened with him? He was proclaimed as False Dmitry and killed. The leaders in Russia who had high human qualities both during empire time Tsarism and Communism were proclaimed as enemy. And opposite the leaders who “as empire (about Peter I) had neither moral nor political restraints, and lacked the most elementary political and social principles” are still popular in Russian.

During one of my discussion about Russian mentality I received comments that the whole Europe in 16 - 17 century had the despotic leaders. But I want to notice: the new leaders as Stalin repeat what was doing before him by Peter I. Obolonsky compared these two leaders. History has spiral development and I will not be surprise if Putin will put his candidature for the next president election in Russia.

After analysing the East European history Obolonsky point several factors which are crucial for the future of the Russia. I want to repeat two of them as conclusion of my reflection of this book. First is conservatism. Personal responsibility instead of collective responsibility are still new thinking for Russia, the leading group in Russia is still system oriented and person oriented policy is still not popular among majority of population in Russia. The second one is Russian nationalism. In Russian the blame for trouble put government or people often to the strangers and foreign influence instead “of looking in the own mirror”.

The book is difficult to read, it has scientific language, but I think it is grate book for those who are looking for answers and explanation of political events in East Europe and Russia.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus'

lördag 24 oktober 2009

Assignment 2

The story of stuff. Comments.

Annie makes a very good presentation of environmental, political and social problem with vivid animation. I had read a little bit about sustainability but this presentation is clear and full of examples. It’s such true about all our system.

How do you find the example with computer? It was difference in a small detail, but you can not just to change the detail you need to buy a new one and throw away the old model? It’s such true that nowadays it’s cheaper to buy a new staff then repair the old one. The good example is 10 SEK products. The whole shop is full households’ products like cups, glasses, wisps, knifes which cost only 10 SEK. Can you imagine the knife which cost 10 SEK? I guess it has not good quality, but it cost almost nothing.

It’s tragically to realize what kind of food we are eating. It’s tragically to realize that women’s milk has the highest level of toxic contaminants. It’s ironically but even the rich population with millions income is affected. We don’t know how Holland’s tomato, chips, coca-cola and candy “Hubabubba” will influence our children. It’s difficult to motivate child to eat healthy food because children are social creatures, they are eating with their friends in Mc Donalds and are looking on TV advertising. It’s impossible to isolate the child, but it’s possible to educate and explain.

That’s why I like this presentation. I was reading that in American schools this presentation was showing to children and there are parents who are saying that it is anti-capitalistic. Yes, this presentation about minimising consumption is anti-capitalistic. But capitalism is not the ideal form of leading society. This presentation is a great way to raise consciousness about an issue that affects us all. Annie made the proposition how we can improve the system through recycling, minimising consuming and eating home made food. What about the new model of 4 R: reduce, reuse, recycle and relax which can be the basis of our life style?

söndag 6 september 2009

Tendency towards closer tracking, monitoring and surveillance of people at their workplace.

Assignment 1

The Article Snooping Bosses begins very interesting. CEO of a company Monument Security tracked his employee through new technology who was on his sick list and found that he is travelling. After a long pause the employee said “You got me.”

Can you imagine that Swedish State Insurance Försäkrings kassa will install such software? There was a lot of criticism in mass medium about sickness absence and how much it cost to the society. Articles published the cases where the sick employees were not sick at all. But, right now, it is worth to mention, the sickness absence is incredibly low. The fear to be lay off is much stronger in recession time.

If we are considering the tracking technology I suppose from the beginning it was the idea to make the feeling of safety, like in the aircraft industry and submarine, or in the war purpose: to track and destroy. But what is the purpose to use such technology on the work place, I mean does it exist connection between tracking and monitoring of employee and their productivity?

This question has a psychological nuance. It’s normal to feel uncomfortable about to be revealed as pretending to be sick and in reality to enjoy the days lying on the beach sunbathing, or pretending to be occupied with project but in reality to sit in Match.com or chatting in Facebook. The rational use of work time when the wage is per hour is managerial problem. That’s why company has Internet Restricted Zone. The site like Facebook, MySpace...are considered to be private.

Everything has its boundaries and my opinions that fear to be revealed do not motivate to work more productive. My suggestion is to spend company's money for creating more positive work atmosphere, minimize stress, planning and dividing employees’ responsibilities instead of expensive tracking technology!

How seldom we meet people who have the spirit of togetherness in the company, the desire to take initiative, how seldom we have chef who can inspire for self developing, who is understandable and give employee the chance to take initiative. I believe that happy people are more productive and I hope that it’s not only my opinion. That’s why tracking technologies are destroying the positive full of trust atmosphere and are killing work motivation.