söndag 6 september 2009

Tendency towards closer tracking, monitoring and surveillance of people at their workplace.

Assignment 1

The Article Snooping Bosses begins very interesting. CEO of a company Monument Security tracked his employee through new technology who was on his sick list and found that he is travelling. After a long pause the employee said “You got me.”

Can you imagine that Swedish State Insurance Försäkrings kassa will install such software? There was a lot of criticism in mass medium about sickness absence and how much it cost to the society. Articles published the cases where the sick employees were not sick at all. But, right now, it is worth to mention, the sickness absence is incredibly low. The fear to be lay off is much stronger in recession time.

If we are considering the tracking technology I suppose from the beginning it was the idea to make the feeling of safety, like in the aircraft industry and submarine, or in the war purpose: to track and destroy. But what is the purpose to use such technology on the work place, I mean does it exist connection between tracking and monitoring of employee and their productivity?

This question has a psychological nuance. It’s normal to feel uncomfortable about to be revealed as pretending to be sick and in reality to enjoy the days lying on the beach sunbathing, or pretending to be occupied with project but in reality to sit in Match.com or chatting in Facebook. The rational use of work time when the wage is per hour is managerial problem. That’s why company has Internet Restricted Zone. The site like Facebook, MySpace...are considered to be private.

Everything has its boundaries and my opinions that fear to be revealed do not motivate to work more productive. My suggestion is to spend company's money for creating more positive work atmosphere, minimize stress, planning and dividing employees’ responsibilities instead of expensive tracking technology!

How seldom we meet people who have the spirit of togetherness in the company, the desire to take initiative, how seldom we have chef who can inspire for self developing, who is understandable and give employee the chance to take initiative. I believe that happy people are more productive and I hope that it’s not only my opinion. That’s why tracking technologies are destroying the positive full of trust atmosphere and are killing work motivation.

1 kommentar:

  1. I think you are absolutely right when talking about creating a positive atmosphere. People will certainly work better in that company. But in the case with people calling in sick when they’re not and so on isn’t this creating the opposite? I think the company has to create this positive atmosphere you’re talking about but also need to surveillance their employees in some kind of way. When I have been working in different places there’re one thing that bothers me more than anything and that’s when some fellow employees doing nothing and gets away with it. That’s makes me very angry and creates a very bad atmosphere in the company. So unfortunately I think the employers need to “snoop” at their employees.
